研究了一种自动几何配准的方法, 来实现多时相的卫星资料和不同遥感资料之间的几何配准。利用海岸线自动选取GCP的点, 借助相关松弛法寻找同名点, 且有判别机制来保证GCP的正确性, 可以方便地得到分布密集的GCP值。同时研究了二元n次方程组和GCP数目与几何配准精度的关系, 得到GCP数目的增加可明显提高几何配准精度。利用该方法对SeaWiFS和AVHRR资料进行几何配准, 可以提高几何配准的精度和节省机时, 为遥感资料的动态监测和不同遥感资料复合应用创造了有利条件。
An automatic approach of image registration is developed to register the multi-temporal images of different sensors. A point in the coastline derived from SeaWiFS and AVHRR images is taken as a ground control point (GCP), and the correlation-relaxation (CR) technique is employed to search the counterpart point of GCP. The correction of GCP values is guaranteed by a decision rule, which will improve the accuracy of registration. The relationship between the n th order bivariate transforms and the accuracy of registration is studied. The averages of RMS show that the larger number of GCP will lead to the more accurate image registration, while the high order bivariate transforms can not reduce that RMS of two images. The large number of GCP obtained by this method give a chance to study new transforms for geometric rectification to improve the accuracy of image registration. The approach described in the paper can be used in dynamic monitoring and integrating of Satellite data.