
介绍了星载合成孔径雷达(SSAR)的工作原理, 详细讨论了星载SAR的系统设计。其中着重讨论了脉冲重复频率(PRF)的选择、它与多普勒带宽的关系、发射干扰与星下点干扰的影响、距离模型、方位模型、地面测绘带宽、数据传输速率等问题。为了对SSAR产生的大容量数据进行处理, 我们介绍了曙光1000并行机, 并利用它对星载SAR进行了系统仿真的并行处理, 给出了仿真结果, 验证了系统设计的正确性。
This paper introduces the operational principle of Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SSAR). The System Design Project of SSAR is discussed here in detail. The most important factors in the design are related with the selection of Pulse Repeating Frequency (PRF), Doppler bandwidth, transmit and nadir interference restriction, range and azimuth ambiguity, ground swath, data transfer rate etc. Because SSAR generates a large volume of data, we can't process these data with ordinary computer. DAWN 1000 Parallel Processing System is introduced and utilized to simulate the SSAR system. Finally, the simulation result is given, which proves the correctness of the SSAR System Design Project.