
首先给出CO2 倍增下遥感 光合作物产量的概念模型,之后分析未受CO2 倍增的遥感 光合作物产量估测模型;在考虑CO2 倍增对作物产量的影响后,对影响干物质累积的作物光合速率的模型进行修正,进而修正遥感 光合作物产量估测模型。建立CO2 倍增下作物产量响应模型,求取各参数,并在CO2 倍增下对我国华北地区冬小麦产量响应进行填图,表明模型的估测结果有良好的可比性。
CO2倍增 遥感-光合作物产量模型 冬小麦产量估测 华北平原In the paper, considering the vegetation parameters of remote sensing information and crop eco-physiological characteristics, the crop yield estimation model was firstly set up based on the variables derived from NOAA-AVHRR data and crop photosynthesis. Among them, photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), CPAP (Crop Photosynthetic Assimilation Potential, which reflects crop photosynthetic time and area), and photosynthetic rate were calculated from remote sensing information and meteorological data. In the typical research area of North China Plain, the developed model was applied to regional crop yield distributions, it shows that the model has better precision. Secondly, taking into account the impact of CO2 doubling to agroecosystem and its influences on winter wheat, the crop yield estimating model based on remote sensing data and plant photosynthesis was further developed, and the regional crop yield under CO2 doubling was estimated using the model. The further changes of crop yield distributions were given using the developed model.