到目前为止, 港湾初级生产力的遥感探测方法基本上集中在对叶绿素的光谱探测上, 由于干扰因素的存在(海面波动, 水中悬浮泥砂), 使遥感探测的精度受到影响。本文提出一种基于地理信息系统方法的具有互补性参数的港湾初级生产力遥感探测模型, 由于互补性参数的存在, 极大地提高了模型的抗干扰能力, 使探测的精度得到明显改善。在广东大亚湾的初步试验表明:水交换状态参数的引用, 模型的误差从6.5%降为0.26%, 精度大大提高, 从而证明该方法的可行性和有效性。
The detection of bay's primary productivity using remote sensing is presently based on the spectrum of chlorophyll. However, this method is not precise because of the interference caused by silt suspension and the surface wave. The paper presents a method based on GIS which make our remote sensing model on primary productivity with mutual-compensated parameters satisfactory. These parameters, with mutual compensation characteristics for the chrolophyll spectrum on remote sensing, has greatly helped to improve the model. Our test in the Daya bay has shown that the precision has greatly increased from an error of 6.5% to 0.26%, thus proving this method feasible and practical.