成像光谱仪把二维成像技术和光谱技术有机地结合在一起, 是具有重大潜力的对地观测仪器。近年来, 随焦平面探测器推帚成像技术的发展, 先进国家研制成功了超光谱成像仪, 成为成像光谱技术的又一生长点。本文结合工作经验, 介绍以硅面阵电荷耦合器件(CCD)为探测器的推帚式超光谱成像仪PHI的关键技术及发展前景。
Imaging spectrometer combines two dimensional imaging technology and spectrometer technology, and it is a promising instrtument for earth observation. With the development of technology of pushbroom imaging with focal plain detectors, hyperspectral imager was developed as an advanced remote sensing instrtument in recent years and it becomes another grow point of imaging spectrometer technology. As increase of the demand of environment study and city planning, Pushbroom Hyperspectral Imager (PHI) was built under the cooperation of Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Shanghai Senstron Institute of Information Technology. PHI uses Si CCD as focal plain detector. It has a field-of-view of 21 degrees with spatial resolution of 1.5 mrad, and 244 spectral bands covering from 0.40 to 0.85 micrometer in wavelength with spectral resolution better than 5nm in full range. This paper discuses the key technology of PHI,including critical components, system calibration, ground reflectance and radiation calculation and multi-system integration. The image taken by PHI in remote sensing operation for city planning of Beihai, Guangxi province, is also given.