本文从原始雷达方程出发, 提出了一种雷达加密观测方案和退卷积的数据反演方法, 以实现雷达天线波束内的反射率不均匀结构信息的提取。反演方法的数值试验表明, 此反演方法比常规测量方法在角分辨率方面提高约3倍, 对波束内尺度为0.58-2.0HW(HW是天线3dB波束宽度)的反射率变化有明显的反演能力。观测数据的测量误差对反演质量的影响也进行了计算和分析。本文还讨论了反演方法对雷达观测中的一些技术参数的要求。这些结果对于提高雷达尤其是星载微波主被动遥感器在测量降水量和云中含水量等参数中的精度有重要作用和现实意义。
A retrieval scheme by using deconvolution method and dense data acquisition is proposed for extracting the information of inhomogenous reflectivities in a radar beam and therefore increasing the angular resolution of radar observation. Preliminary nomerical simulations show that the retrieval method can increase the angular resolution by a factor of 3 in comparison with conventional radar measurement. and has a distinct inversion ability for reflectivity variations especially with the periods of 0.58-2.0HW (here HW is the 3dB antenna beam width). The influence of measurement errors on the retrieved result is also investigated by numerical simulation. Some technical specification requirements in radar observations for this retrieval scheme are discussed. This retrieval method will he useful for the accuracy improvement of measurements of precipitation, cloud water content and other parameters by radar, in particular by spaceborne active or passive remote sensors.