本文从图像分解与结合的角度, 探讨了图像空间变化序列问题。提出了把复杂的图像分解为各个部分, 逐一加以考察, 然后把各个部分统一起来, 从而在整体上把握图像问题的思想。据此, 文中按截断法构造图像序列, 用区域长度特征反映图像空间变化序列。这些方法已被用于遥感图像的分析中, 取得了良好的效果。
This work describes decomposition and synthesis techniques applied to remote sensing image analysis and focuses on the need for analyzing a series of segments in accordance with the variance of scenes. The algorithms described here take two unique approaches. The blocking image method is used for constructing a series of segments. The length function of area is defined that determines the strength of the similarity between a pair of lines. Some tests are also described, and the results indicate that the methods work well for a variety of images.