用青海高原地区1983年的SMMR18及37GHz水平极化微波亮温记录与台站地表 5cm深温度实况相比较,统计确定部分考虑含水量对区分地表土冻融影响的亮温T37H及亮温谱梯度SG两参数综合模式,区分的正确率达74%。青海高原地处干旱半干旱环境,春季地表土含水量低,Zuerndorfer提出的负亮温谱梯度,在春季区分冻融的效果并不明显。
The station temperature measuments at 5 cm depth in Qinghai Plateau are compared with the records of horizontally polarized brightness temperature at 37 and 18 GHz from SMMR in 1983 The statistical analysis for classification freeze/thaw condition is used to determine a comprehensive algorithm of two parameters:brightness temperature at 37 GHz and spectral gradient of brightness temperature.It is partly considered that the influence of moisture content on classification,the accuracy of classification still reaches 74%.Since the Qinghai Plateau is located in an arid environment,the soil moisture content is low in Spring and the spectral gradient does not affect the increasing accuracy for classification.